Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Did some sketches in my little sketchbook the other night. Playing around with a bit more stylizing. I took some inspiration from some old drawings I saw while I was in a museum in Korea. This one map had this cool water texture that I tried to copy for the first drawing, I like how it came out, going to try it out with a bigger piece next. I went with more cartoony solid like clouds that I think go with the new water style. For the second drawing I just drew a more traditional Korean house. Mostly playing with making things like the house and trees look simple in shape and detail. The perspective is off, but hey, just quick sketch.

The coloring in first one is sloppy, still can't color in the lines after all these years...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday night sketch. Its not really of anything special, but there it is none the less.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Been studying all weekend for today's midterm. My brain has been melted by the power of linguistics. So I present to you, hungry thor. For no other reason than that's all I could think to draw.